Zipper Pouch Class - March 9th

Beginner Zipper Pourch Sewing Class

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Make a Zipper Pouch

 1-4 pm

At Roy R Estle Memorial Library

Prerequisite: Must know how to thread machine and wind a bobbin or Sewing 101

 You will learn to:

- Sew straight lines

- Attach interfacing

- Top stitch

- Install a zipper

 Project: Zipper Pouch


** We would love for you to purchase your fabrics from Mashe Modern for this class.

- General Supplies:

- Sewing machine in good working order

- Zipper foot for your machine

- Sewing/Fabric scissors

- Seam ripper

- Pins and pin cushion and/or clips

- Pen and paper for notes

- Sewing machine needles

- Fabric marking tool


- Zipper Pouch:

- 12” zipper

- 2 Fat Quarters (outside and lining)**

- Matching thread

- Fabric glue stick (optional)

- 1/3 yard fusible interfacing (SF101)**

Please note we need a minimum of 4 students to hold the class. If we do not have enough, we will reschedule or refund the class.

SKU: sewing102Mar9