Zipper Pouch Class - March 9th

Beginner Zipper Pourch Sewing Class

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Make a Zipper Pouch

 1-4 pm

At Roy R Estle Memorial Library

Prerequisite: Must know how to thread machine and wind a bobbin or Sewing 101

 You will learn to:

- Sew straight lines

- Attach interfacing

- Top stitch

- Install a zipper

 Project: Zipper Pouch


** We would love for you to purchase your fabrics from Mashe Modern for this class.

- General Supplies:

- Sewing machine in good working order

- Zipper foot for your machine

- Sewing/Fabric scissors

- Seam ripper

- Pins and pin cushion and/or clips

- Pen and paper for notes

- Sewing machine needles

- Fabric marking tool


- Zipper Pouch:

- 12” zipper

- 2 Fat Quarters (outside and lining)**

- Matching thread

- Fabric glue stick (optional)

- 1/3 yard fusible interfacing (SF101)**

Please note we need a minimum of 4 students to hold the class. If we do not have enough, we will reschedule or refund the class.

SKU: sewing102Mar9

Refund Policy: All sales are final. We do not accept returns unless we have shipped the wrong fabric or a notion is broken in some way. If we have shipped the wrong fabric or cut, please contact right away and we will make it right. If it was damaged in shipping, please contact your local post office to file for resolution.